Groups are a way to exchange ideas with other users. Please use general internet manners.
Slander is prohibited
Groups are a way to foster communication about works via comments.
As such, please try to keep the space enjoyable for all group members.
Multiple posts are prohibited
Posting the same content multiple times, in multiple groups for the purpose of promoting your work is prohibited.
Gibberish comments and spamming posts are prohibited on account of being bothersome
Avoid actions that may be annoying or irritating to other users.
Posts that go against group policy
Each group has its own theme and rules that must be followed.
When the rules of a group you've joined are clearly written and defined, please follow them.
When there's trouble within a group, please try to find a resolution with the parties involved.
Additionally, groups must be in line with pixiv's Guidelines and Terms of Use. If you discover that someone is in violation of these, please use the report feature within your group.